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Common Name: Croton Mammy
Availabilty: In Stock
The Croton Mammy is a hugely popular evergreen garden addition desired for their truly striking multi-coloured leaves that have gorgeous twists and twirls in vibrant yellows, bright greens, reds, oranges and even black slashes. They are a gorgeous and brightly coloured contrast for your garden. Ideal for tub planting, indoor & outdoor growing, specimen planting or layering and incredible contrast planting.
These compact growers only reach around 1 metre tall, and can even be hedged for colourful tropical flair. Insignificant small white flowers bloom in the summer months, and we recommend full sun planting for the best result from the stunning multi-coloured foliage. These guys prefer warmer weather and LOVE humidity, so if you're in a cooler climate we recommend keeping this beauty indoors.
Mildly frost sensitive, hardy to wind. Most well drained soils; mulching recommended. Full sun recommended for best result, though will grow in shade.
Agave geminiflora
Leptospermum Lavender Queen
Viburnum Emerald Lustre - Foliage
Russelia equisitiformis