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  • Grevillea Forest Rambler
  • Grevillea Forest Rambler
  • Grevillea Forest Rambler
  • Grevillea Forest Rambler
  • Grevillea Forest Rambler
Grevillea Forest Rambler

Grevillea Forest Rambler

Common Name: Forest Rambler Grevillea

Availabilty: In Stock

The Forest Rambler Grevillea is a fast growing evergreen with clusters of unusual, tubular pale purple-pink flowers with long, yellow stamens in spring. The nectar rich flowers are highly attractive to local birdlife. This sprawling shrub grows up to 2 metres tall and is more tolerant of cooler climates than other grevillea varieties.

Dark green, oval leafed foliage creates a stunning screen or native hedge, that is ideal for colour and contrast planting, bank planting, erosion prevention and mass planting. Grevilleas are iconic for good reason, these tough natives offering low care; consider clipping this beautiful variety to an informal hedge to stunning effect.

Tolerant of wind and frost, hardy to drought once established. Most well drained soils. Full sun. Attractive to birds and insects.



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