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Common Name: Hairy Guinea Flower, Little Rocker, Guinea Flower
Availabilty: In Stock
The Hibbertia vestita, or the Little Rocker as it can be more commonly called, is a very pretty evergreen ground cover that bears the cheeriest little yellow flowers your eye ever did see through spring and summer.
Not picky as to soil or climate, it is easy to grow and perfect for difficult-to-grow areas. Growing to around 300mm tall, it is ideal for use in rockeries, colour contrast, borders, container planting (as it remains compact), mass planting and hard-to-grow areas.
Moderately wind & frost tolerant. Most soils; mulch for Summer. Full sun preferred, adapts to part shade.
Cupressus Sempervirens Stricta
Carissa macrocarpa cv. Desert Star
Acmena smithii var. Minor
Buxus microphylla japonica