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Common Name: All Gold Juniper
Availabilty: In Stock
The All Gold Juniper is a stunning evergreen conifer ground-cover with pale green to bright yellow berry-like cones. Fine leafed, aromatic foliage compliments this juniperus variety's perfect low maintenance nature. Also being fast growing it is hardy to all environments including frost, salt, wind and sandy soils.
Plant out in those weed prone areas, as the dense growth habit of the All Gold Juniper will keep those weeds away! Growing only 300 mm tall and 2 metres wide, it is ideal for use as a gorgeous ground-cover, mass planting over large areas, borders, contrast, erosion control, bonsai, seaside planting or planting out and allowing to cascade over embankments.
Hardy to frost, salt & wind. Most free draining soils (adapts well to sandy bases). Full sun.
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