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  • Nerium oleander Madonna
  • Nerium oleander Madonna
  • Nerium oleander Madonna
  • Nerium oleander Madonna
Nerium oleander Madonna

Nerium oleander Madonna

Common Name: Double White Oleander

Availabilty: In Stock

The Double White Oleander is a gorgeous evergreen with glossy foliage, and fragrant, double white flowers blooming prolifically in warmer months. Ideal for contrast, hedging, borders or feature planting, the Double White Oleander grows to a maximum of 2 - 3 metres. Oleanders are very drought tolerant, and perfectly suited for those hard-to-grow areas that are exposed to the elements.

You will commonly find Oleanders in median strips or hedges due to their hardy nature.  They are a highly popular choice for home gardens, with their ability to brave the elements, and stunning foliage and flowers!

Hardy to drought. Moderately wind & frost tolerant.  Most well drained soils; prefers drier positioning.  Full sun preferred, adapts to part shade.

Please note, Oleanders are poisonous to humans and animals if ingested.

Looking for something a little smaller? Have a look at Nerium Oleander Dwarf Apricot for a more compact variety.


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