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Common Name: Noelene Glory Bush
Availabilty: In Stock
Noelene Glory Bush is a small, delightful tree ideal for most garden settings and styles. She's a bit of a show off, with beautiful flowers ranging from whites to pinks to purples during the warmer months, all of which contributes to her being such a popular variety.
This evergreen tree can grow to 5 metres when left unchecked, however some pruning is recommended to keep her shaped and strong. The foliage is beautiful, bearing the very unique 'tibouchina' leaves this species is known for. What a beautiful compliment to a garden! .
Reasonably frost & wind tolerant. Most well drained soils. Full sun.
If you love the look of a Tibouchina, but are limited on space, have a look at our gorgeous Dwarf Lasiandra (Tibouchina granulosa Jules).
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