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  • Leptospermum Lavender Queen
  • Leptospermum Lavender Queen
  • Leptospermum Lavender Queen
  • Leptospermum Lavender Queen
  • Leptospermum Lavender Queen
Leptospermum Lavender Queen

Leptospermum Lavender Queen

Common Name: Leptospermum Rotundifolium ‘Lavender’, Lavender Queen

Availabilty: In Stock

The Lavender Queen is a compact evergreen Australian native that is fast growing and hardy. Arching branches with distinctive red stems filled with rounded green foliage weep to spectacular effect, while abundant lilac and pink toned flowers appear throughout spring.

Growing 1.5 metres tall and 1 metre wide, it is an ideal plant for informal hedging, coastal planting, screening/windbreaks or colour contrast for mixed beds. This low-maintenance gal is tough to most elements, and also beautiful for cut flowers, bonsai, and effective for erosion control and highly attractive to local wildlife. It's also quite famed for having medicinal purposes, and popular for beekeepers for honey cultivation.

An occasional light pruning will ensure the growth habit stays dense, while the brighter the light the more stunning the colours of the attractive foliage will be. She is very hardy and can tolerate heavy frost, drought and full sun.  

Tolerant to frost, pollution, salt and drought once established. Most soil types, including damp or clay soils. Full sun to part shade. Attractive to birds and insects.


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