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  • Melaleuca bracteata Revolution Green
  • Melaleuca bracteata Revolution Green
  • Melaleuca bracteata Revolution Green
  • Melaleuca bracteata Revolution Green
  • Melaleuca bracteata Revolution Green
Melaleuca bracteata Revolution Green

Melaleuca bracteata Revolution Green

Common Name: Revolution Green

Availabilty: In Stock

Revolution Green is a gorgeous evergreen large shrub or small tree bearing creamy, white fluffy flowers on the tips in Summer, known for its happy, bright green foliage that is both fine and dense, rendering it ideal for hedging or privacy screening

Growing 3 - 6 m, Revolution Green is perfect for hedging, privacy screening, contrast, fast-growth, cut foliage, attracting birds and insects, feature planting and windbreaks. This low maintenance tree is incredibly hardy and ideal for problem spots in the garden, being a vigorous grower and quick to establish. This tough gal will do well in near all circumstances; plant in a row for a screening out sheds or nosey neighbours or for a windbreak to protect your garden.

Sensitive to frost, hardy to all other elements.  Most well drained soils.  Full sun for best effect, adapts to part shade. Attractive to birds & insects.

This is a type of Australian "Bush Food" or "Bush Tucker".  The flowers of Melaleuca varieties produce sweet nectar and you can suck the nectar out, or soak the flowers in water to make a sweet drink, but this plant is not edible.

We apologise, but this product cannot be sold into South Australia due to quarantine restrictions.


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