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Common Name: Snow Maiden Indian Hawthorn
Availabilty: In Stock
Snow Maiden Indian Hawthorn bears pretty white semi-double flowers with a light scent through winter to spring, followed by black berries in the summer. This pretty evergreen is a dwarf sized variety of Rhaphiolepis, maximum growth being 750 mm up to 1 metre. This makes a very lovely hedge, the deep-green foliage offering surprising density, pruning only necessary to maintain your desired shape.
It is quite hardy and compact, making it popular for use in hedging, borders, mass planting, low maintenance gardening and container planting. Tolerates coastal positions well. Local bird and insect life will also thank you, and become frequent visitors when you have a Rhaphiolepis calling your garden home.
Moderately heat, salt, wind & frost tolerant. Hardy to most soils, prefers a well draining soil; mulch in summer. Full sun preferred for best flowering effect, tolerates part shade.
Looking for a bigger variety? Try the Rhaphiolepis indica.
Loropetalum chinense China Pink
Dietes grandiflora
Chinese Fringe Flower - Foliage
Common Indian Hawthorn - Foliage