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  • Strelitzia nicolai
  • Strelitzia nicolai
  • Strelitzia nicolai
  • Strelitzia nicolai
  • Strelitzia nicolai
Strelitzia nicolai

Strelitzia nicolai

Common Name: Giant White Bird of Paradise, White Bird of Paradise, Wild Banana

Availabilty: In Stock

The Giant White Bird of Paradise is a stunning evergreen that has to been to be believed! Striking white and dark purple flowers bloom throughout the year, particularly through spring and summer. Grey-green banana like fronds are arranged like a fan. Bigger than her colourful cousin the Strelitzia reginae, Nicolai grows 5 to 6 metres tall (she's a big girl, those hips don't lie!) she will need some space to soar with her primarily upright growth.

That height makes her perfect for larger gardens or parks, cut flowers (that last for weeks indoors), indoor planting, large tubs in patios, tropical landscapes and her thick and luscious foliage is perfect for tropical screens. Nicolai also survives well as an indoor plant, keeping to a more conservative 1.5 - 2 metres when potted indoors for a gorgeous spectacle. She's pretty enough to get a lot of attention, but doesn't need it to thrive, in fact she's pretty tolerant of neglect! Low maintenance, but we do recommend planting away from buildings due to her invasive root system.

Hardy once established. Mildly tolerant of frost; moderately wind & drought tolerant.  Most well drained soils. Prefers full sun, adapts to part shade.


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